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    Facts About Crypto Tracking and Recovery Services

    Facts About Crypto Tracking and Recovery Services Revealed

    This article focuses on Broker Complaint Alert (BCA)’s Bitcoin and our role in crypto tracking and recovery, as well as how crypto recovery services work.

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    Crypto Tracking and Recovery Services

    Cryptocurrencies are slowly but surely moving past the status of online collectibles/interesting financial experiments. Scammers, thieves, and hackers redouble their efforts to siphon digital currency out of the pockets of rightful owners.

    In 2018, studies estimated that legitimate actors within the crypto space lost an estimated $12 million worth of digital assets to theft. 

    The proliferation of crypto-related crime has boosted the demand for solutions to track stolen digital assets, identify thieves, and recover funds.

    “Regular” hackers, thieves, and cyber criminals only represent the tip of the iceberg when it comes to crypto-related fraud.

    Experience has shown that improper transfers from bankrupt debtors through judgment- and arbitration award creditors are also channels of crypto fraud.

    The cryptocurrency industry can only continue on the path of sustained growth through mass adoption, if reliable mechanisms exist to support private dispute resolution and cryptocurrency tracing and recovery.

    The distributed ledger technology most digital assets use, coupled with the ambiguous legal status of this emergent asset class, hinders the implementation of reliable mechanisms.

    For effective Bitcoin and cryptocurrency tracing and recovery, the asset should legally qualify as property.

    While some nations have moved ahead and granted legal definitions to cryptocurrencies, others have not yet bothered.

    The resulting global patchwork quilt of laws governing the ownership of digital assets has, therefore, turned digital asset recovery into an exercise in legal acrobatics and liaising with various law enforcement agencies.

    Bearing this in mind, it is clear that any entity purporting to offer reliable crypto tracking and crypto recovery services needs to possess a solid legal team as well as liaising abilities in addition to the raw technical capabilities required to trace digital assets.

    Table of Contents 

    • How Does Cryptocurrency Tracing and Recovery Work?
    • Investigating the Movement of Crypto Assets
    • KYC Information Gathering and Identification of the Perpetrators for Cryptocurrency Tracing
    • Legal action and the Initiation of Recovery Efforts
    • Navigating the Cryptocurrency Legal Labyrinth
    • Pseudo-anonymity
    • Numerus Clausus
    • Multi-Signatures
    • Traceability
    • How Legitimate Crypto Recovery Companies Operate
    • Conclusion: Who are the best crypto recovery experts?
    • Crypto and Funds Recovery Bottom Line

    How Does Cryptocurrency Tracking and Recovery Work?

    Let us take a look at the procedural steps of crypto-asset tracking and recovery.

    • Investigating the movement of the crypto assets.
    • Acquiring information on the perpetrators.
    • Initiating recovery efforts/legal action.

    Investigating the Movement of Crypto Assets

    Throughout this phase of the recovery operation, one should bear in mind that courts will require legally acceptable proof regarding the illicit transfer of the lost assets.

    Individuals may be able to track some assets to some degree, using specialized tools.

    However, to complete a successful investigation, the involvement of trained professionals is of the essence.

    Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) is able to track more than 200,000 digital assets. This means that it can almost certainly track down any pilfered cryptocurrencies.

    The services of such professionals cover much more than finding the destination of fraudulent transfers.

    • Professional investigation management capabilities cover solutions to which only law enforcement agencies and intelligence professionals have access. One cannot match that level of sophistication through free tools. Open-source tracking tools do not show which Virtual Asset Service Provider holds a wallet. Professional investigators use law enforcement-grade, specialized software to gain access to such information.
    • Certified investigators can perform professional-level cyber investigations.
    • Professionals can reliably track a staggering range of digital assets. For an intelligence-based cryptocurrency forensic specialist such as Broker Complaint Alert (BCA), almost nothing is beyond the realm of possibilities.
    • The intelligence-gathering capabilities of professional cryptocurrency tracing and recovery specialists are way beyond what an amateur can ever hope to muster. These capabilities include human intelligence, open-source intelligence, cyber intelligence, as well as financial intelligence.
    • Acquiring raw data is one thing. Making heads and tails of it and drawing the right conclusions is quite another. Intelligence analysis is yet another area that calls for the skills and capabilities of professional, certified investigators.
    • Professional investigators such as Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) can and do directly help law enforcement trace misappropriated digital assets. The investigators at Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) pride themselves on being able to actively assist law enforcement agencies with active cases. If you are a member of law enforcement, please feel free to reach out to us.
    • The range of digital assets that specialists like Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) can trace is impressive. The company can trace Ether/ETH and Litecoin/LTC as well, in addition to tens of thousands of other altcoins. Positioning themselves as the silver to Bitcoin’s gold, Ether and Litecoin have drawn increasing interest from hackers and cyber thieves lately. Thus, the need to reliably track these cryptocurrencies has grown more acute.

    This stage of the asset recovery process requires intelligence-gathering techniques beyond the means of a layperson.

    Professional investigators can draw relevant conclusions from:

    • Social media analysis.
    • Public records sourcing from legal and financial databases.
    • Persistent monitoring of the general- and dark web for signs of fraudulently obtained assets.

    Information Gathering and Identification of the Culprits for Cryptocurrency Tracking

    To know the target(s) of a crypto recovery effort, you need to identify the wallets used to move the stolen funds and the people/entities to whom the wallets belong.

    Following successful tracing, the crypto asset tracing and recovery specialists have to petition the relevant court to obtain KYC information from exchanges and cryptocurrency trading platforms.

    Big exchanges are usually cooperative and will readily disclose KYC information if requested by any law enforcement agency worldwide, without a court order.

    However, there may be exceptions.

    Also, there are always uncooperative exchanges and other Virtual Asset Service Providers that will skirt the law one way or the other.

    This stage of the recovery process may be costly.

    Therefore, it calls for a cost-benefit analysis that takes into account the ability of the mentioned platforms to retain KYC information, based on the jurisdiction where they operate.

    The intricacies of cross-jurisdictional legal action are many.

    Such action requires thorough offshore legal expertise, coupled with liaising capabilities.

    There are altcoin exchanges that do not gather KYC information on their users.

    It is quite a cross-jurisdictional legal exercise to obtain relevant information from such platforms.

    Legal Action and the Initiation of Recovery Efforts

    The legal intricacies and subtleties begin after the identification of the holder of the stolen crypto assets.

    To recover Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, or other crypto coins, clients may have to implement a lawsuit to freeze the misappropriated digital funds.

    This stage of the recovery process aims to stop the holders of stolen assets from dissipating the funds.

    While it sounds simple in theory, such a legal move poses some extraordinary requirements.

    • It has to prove beyond doubt that the asset holder can dissipate the funds to avoid judgment and that the risk of this happening is real.
    • It also has to prove that the balance of convenience favors the plaintiff.

    If we add to that a general skepticism that US and Canadian courts have expressed toward cryptocurrencies that they see as highly speculative assets, the legal picture becomes a murky and challenging one.

    The legal territory concerning digital assets is continuously shifting.

    The trends point toward emerging tests regarding the investigation and recovery of digital assets lost to white-collar crime, shady insolvency proceedings, and downright fraud.

    Navigating the Cryptocurrency Legal Labyrinth

    In addition to being trust-minimized, decentralized, and censorship-resistant, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others, are global in scope.

    Their users transfer them unhindered by geographical distances and borders.

    While this is certainly an advantage, it is a complicating factor for Bitcoin tracing and recovery.

    Investigators and recovery specialists have to navigate a patchwork of laws and perform cross-jurisdictional acrobatics.

    In the UK and Australia, for example, the 2002 Proceeds of Crime Act provides solid legal ground for recovery efforts.

    This law defines digital assets as “property” and “realizable property” in two of its sections.

    This definition gives investigators and cryptocurrency recovery specialists a legal basis that allows them to pursue all crypto assets obtained as the result of a crime or used to launder criminal funds.

    A subsequent 2019 High Court ruling has reaffirmed the mentioned definitions, thus establishing a legal precedent concerning the applicability of the 2002 POCA to crypto asset tracing and recovery.

    Through its ruling, the High Court granted a proprietary injunction to help an insurance company recover a Bitcoin ransom it had paid to unknown perpetrators of a malware ransom attack.

    In the US, the legal status of Bitcoin is still subject to legal wrangling.

    In theory, US property law could treat digital assets like property, but there are several hurdles in the path of such recognition.


    The pseudo-anonymous nature of Bitcoin and other crypto coins means that the asset class may not pose a legitimate claim to “exclude others”, in the context of US property laws.

    However, some US jurisdictions allow the ownership of a property through trusts, thus allowing pseudo-anonymous ownership.

    What pseudo-anonymity means in this context is that in the absence of a court order, trusts do not have to disclose their beneficial owners.

    For the cryptocurrency space, this means yet another battle to fight for the recognition of digital assets as property.

    Numerus Clausus

    Numerus Clausus is a US legal notion that the number of forms property can take should be limited and predetermined.

    For instance, the law limits property forms on estates in the land to a handful, expressly forbidding the creation of other forms.

    The rationale of this notion is to minimize verification costs and improve property disposition efficiency.

    Based on that, it should not prove much of a hurdle for the legal recognition of Bitcoin as property.


    Multi-signatures pose a challenge to the recognition of Bitcoin as property by making it difficult to define default rules for ownership.

    Specifically, such arrangements challenge the notion of “control” as a practical rule.

    The more one considers the subtleties of multi-signature setups, the murkier the issue of ownership becomes.

    This is, again, a tall order for US lawmakers to clarify before admitting that Bitcoin does indeed qualify as property.


    The conundrum of Bitcoin’s legal status in the US comes full circle with the limitations on its traceability.

    There are indeed problems on this front, particularly in the case of serial transactions.

    And interestingly, the lack of legal clarity surrounding the status of Bitcoin at present makes it more difficult for cryptocurrency tracing and intelligence professionals like Broker Complaint Alert (BCA), to address this issue.

    How Legitimate Crypto Recovery Companies Operate

    The recovery phase in cryptocurrency asset retrieval is a pivotal step following the successful tracing of stolen digital funds. This stage demands a nuanced approach, blending technical expertise with legal acumen. Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) plays a crucial role in this intricate process, collaborating closely with legal professionals to navigate the complexities of reclaiming misappropriated assets. By bridging the gap between digital forensics and legal strategy, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) ensures that the journey from tracing to recovery is seamless and effective.

    Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) employs sophisticated methods to gather actionable intelligence during the asset tracing phase, providing law enforcement with critical data to initiate criminal investigations and legal actions against perpetrators.

    In addressing cryptocurrency theft, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) plays a vital role in aiding law firms representing victims. The company’s expertise in digital forensics is instrumental in providing compelling evidence and expert testimony, crucial for civil litigation. Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) meticulously assembles a dossier of digital trails and transaction histories, furnishing law firms with the concrete evidence needed to build a strong case. Additionally, their insights are pivotal in asset-freezing proceedings, guiding legal teams through the intricacies of securing stolen assets.

    Broker Complaint Alert (BCA)’s proficiency is crucial in maneuvering through the diverse legal systems that govern digital asset ownership and recovery across various countries. By understanding the nuances of these differing legal environments, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) effectively facilitates the recovery process, ensuring compliance and maximizing the potential for successful asset retrieval. This expertise is essential for adeptly handling the legal intricacies inherent in global cryptocurrency recovery.

    Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) staunchly upholds ethical practices and strict legal compliance in all recovery operations, recognizing the critical importance of integrity in the sensitive realm of financial recovery. Their adherence to legal boundaries is paramount, ensuring that each step taken in the asset recovery process is not only effective but also ethically and legally sound. This commitment to legality and ethics not only fortifies trust in their operations but also safeguards the interests and rights of all parties involved.

    Conclusion: Who are the best crypto recovery experts?

    In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, where the complexities of theft and fraud are increasingly intricate, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) stands out as one of the best recovery experts for cryptocurrency, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) embodies a blend of technical prowess and legal acumen, essential for navigating the treacherous waters of digital asset recovery. Their role transcends mere investigation; it is about restoring what is rightfully owed to victims of cyber theft.

    With a team that expertly wields cutting-edge tools for tracing digital assets, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) delves deep into the digital footprint left by illicit transactions. This high-level expertise is critical in providing law enforcement with actionable intelligence, laying the groundwork for initiating criminal investigations and subsequent legal actions. Their work is a testament to the power of combining technology with justice.

    When it comes to working with law firms, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) takes on a role that is both collaborative and guiding. Their proficiency in digital forensics equips them to offer compelling evidence and expert testimony, becoming an invaluable ally in civil litigation. Their meticulous approach in assembling transaction histories and digital trails empowers law firms, enabling them to build strong, convincing cases for their clients. Moreover, their strategic insights are pivotal in asset-freezing proceedings, a crucial step in preventing the dissipation of stolen assets.

    Navigating the global maze of legal systems, Broker Complaint Alert (BCA) showcases its unparalleled expertise in both domestic and international legal frameworks. This capability is not just about facilitating recovery; it’s about ensuring legal and ethical compliance every step of the way. Their commitment to ethical practices is unwavering, recognizing the delicate nature of financial recovery and the importance of maintaining the highest standards of integrity.

    Broker Complaint Alert (BCA)’s role in the realm of cryptocurrency recovery is both vital and commendable. Their collaborative approach with law enforcement and legal firms, combined with their profound understanding of both the technical and legal nuances of asset recovery, positions them as one of the best recovery experts for cryptocurrency. With Broker Complaint Alert (BCA), victims of cryptocurrency fraud have a fighting chance to reclaim their digital assets and restore their faith in the security of the digital economy.

    Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Tracing Bottom Line

    To recover cryptocurrency, slighted parties need to adopt a well-coordinated, intelligent, and cautious approach.

    Such an approach calls for specialist skills and know-how far exceeding the capabilities of individuals, regardless of their level of expertise.

    We offer free consultations to determine if our Asset Tracing, Recovery Assistance, and Intelligence Services are suitable for your case.


    Picture of Christopher Gregory

    Christopher Gregory

    Christopher Gregory is a seasoned financial writer specializing in forex and cryptocurrency news. With a keen eye for market trends and a deep understanding of the financial landscape, Christopher provides insightful analysis and up-to-date reports to keep his readers informed.

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