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    Is Legit or a Scam Broker?

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    TraderScale promises an enticing prospect: accelerate your financial journey with a fully funded trading account. They offer leverage on their capital and the potential to keep up to 90% of the profits. However, before diving in, it’s crucial to examine this broker closely. This TraderScale broker review will unveil some red flags that raise concerns about their legitimacy.

    Several reasons trigger skepticism regarding this broker’s legitimacy:

    • Lack of Transparency: Their website offers limited information about their regulatory status, location, and the experience of their team. This secrecy is a significant red flag for any potential trader.
    • Unrealistic Profit Sharing: Keeping up to 90% of the profits sounds too good to be true. Reputable brokers typically offer profit sharing in a much lower range.
    • Vague Challenge Details: The details surrounding the initial “challenge” to become TraderScale approved are scarce. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to assess the difficulty and fairness of the evaluation.
    • Generic Testimonials: The website showcases generic testimonials without any names or verifiable details. This raises doubts about their authenticity.

    These red flags are cause for concern, and it’s wise to proceed with caution. We recommend consulting resources like Broker Complaint Alert, a platform that exposes scam brokers and offers free consultation and recovery service recommendations for victims.

    What is

    TraderScale presents itself as a broker that provides traders with access to fully funded trading accounts. They claim to offer leverage on their capital and allow users to keep a high percentage of the profits generated.

    TraderScale Details



    Account Types

    Not Clearly Disclosed

    Minimum Deposit

    Not Applicable (Funded Account)


    Up to 1: Unbekannt (information not available in German)


    Not Disclosed


    Not Disclosed

    Customer Support

    Live Chat

    Deposits and Withdrawals:

    There is no information available on TraderScale’s website regarding deposit or withdrawal methods and any associated fees. This lack of transparency is a major red flag.

    Account Types:

    The website fails to disclose any details about different account types or features they might offer.

    If you have lost money to companies like OboFX or CONCAP; please report it to us on our Report a Scam form.

    Red Flags and Warning Signs

    Several red flags should raise suspicion about this broker’s legitimacy:

    • Lack of Transparency: The absence of information on regulation, location, and team experience is a major concern.
    • Unrealistic Profit Sharing: Keeping 90% of the profits is highly improbable with reputable brokers.
    • Vague Challenge Details: The lack of specifics regarding the initial challenge raises doubts about its fairness.
    • Generic Testimonials: Generic testimonials with no names or verifiability cast doubt on their authenticity.

    Customer Complaints and Negative Reviews Online

    A thorough online search to find customer reviews and complaints about TraderScale is crucial. If you encounter a significant number of negative experiences, it’s a strong indicator to avoid this broker.

    TraderScale Alternative Brokers

    Instead of risking your funds with a suspicious broker like TraderScale, consider reputable and well-regulated alternatives. Look for brokers with a proven track record, transparency in their operations, and positive customer reviews.

    Got Scammed by We Help Victims!

    If you’ve unfortunately been scammed by TraderScale or any other suspicious broker, there might be hope. Resources like Broker Complaint Alert can offer valuable guidance. They provide free consultations and can recommend recovery service options.

    Remember, conducting thorough research and due diligence before choosing a broker is vital. Don’t be lured by unrealistic promises and always prioritize transparency and security when it comes to your hard-earned money.

    File A Complaint Against Scam Broker's

      Picture of Kenneth Williamson

      Kenneth Williamson

      Kenneth Williamson serves as the primary news writer at BCA, bringing his expertise in online marketing to produce high-quality industry coverage. His unwavering commitment to helping individuals and businesses succeed in the digital realm is evident in his writing. Additionally, Kenneth provides top-notch technical SEO and copywriting services to businesses of all sizes.