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    The Inside Story: Exposing the SolidusMarkets Scam

    SolidusMarkets, SolidusMarkets scam, SolidusMarkets review, SolidusMarkets 2023, SolidusMarkets 2022, SolidusMarkets reviews,

    SolidusMarkets is a crypto, forex, and CFD trading platform that has been accused of being a scam. The company does not have any licenses or regulations, and it has been the subject of numerous complaints from traders.

    Company Overview

    SolidusMarkets has a beautiful website with lots of attractive text and designs. First of all, on the “About” page, they mention many things, but not about their company details. They did not mention their company location, establishment year, etc. This is not a good sign of a good broker.

    Does SolidusMarkets Have Any License?

    No, Solidus Markets does not have any licenses or regulations. We did not find any license information for this broker. They mentioned they have several technological advancements for their platform and security, but did not mention anything about their license.

    SolidusMarkets, SolidusMarkets scam, SolidusMarkets review, SolidusMarkets 2023, SolidusMarkets 2022, SolidusMarkets reviews,

    Is SolidusMarkets Regulated By Any Authority?

    No, Solidus Markets is not regulated by any authority. We searched major regulatory websites but did not find any information about their regulation. We also tried to contact their customer service, but there is only one way to contact them- online chat. They are not responsive regarding our questions.

    Solidus Markets Pros and Cons



    Professional website design

    Not licensed or regulated

    Technologically advanced

    Clear mention about team


    Has a poor reputation


    Customer support is slow and unresponsive


    Has been the subject of numerous complaints

    How Does Solidus Markets Reach To Their Prey?

    Solidus Markets uses a variety of methods to reach potential traders. The company advertises heavily on social media and search engines. SolidusMarkets also offers free webinars and seminars that are designed to attract new traders.

    Once Solidus Markets has attracted a trader, the company will start to pressure them to deposit money. SolidusMarkets representatives will often make false promises about how much money traders can make. They may also offer unrealistic returns on investment.

    Once a trader has deposited money, SolidusMarkets will make it very difficult for them to withdraw their funds. The company will often require traders to meet certain trading volume requirements before they can withdraw their money. SolidusMarkets may also charge high fees for withdrawals.

    Technical Details of SolidusMarkets

    Minimum Deposit

    The minimum deposit for Solidus Markets is $500. This is relatively low compared to other trading platforms. However, it is important to remember that SolidusMarkets is a scam broker, so you should not deposit any money with them.

    Trading Platform

    Solidus Markets uses the MetaTrader 4 platform. This is a popular trading platform that is used by many other brokers. However, the MetaTrader 4 platform is not regulated, so it is not a safe platform to trade with.


    The spreads on Solidus Markets are relatively high. This means that traders will pay more for each trade they make. High spreads can eat into profits, so it is important to choose a broker with low spreads.


    Solidus Markets did not mention their leverages. They only mention no leverage, entry-level leverage, increased leverage, etc. terms for their different packages.

    Packages and Products They Offer

    SolidusMarkets, SolidusMarkets scam, SolidusMarkets review, SolidusMarkets 2023, SolidusMarkets 2022, SolidusMarkets reviews,

    SolidusMarkets offers a variety of packages and products to traders. The most basic package is the Initiate package. The other packages are Avnacer, Master, Elite, and Supreme. You cannot have specific details about these packages. You have to open an account to know that.

    Withdrawal and Deposit Method

    SolidusMarkets accepts a variety of deposit methods, including credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets. Withdrawals can be made through the same methods that were used for deposits. However, SolidusMarkets may charge high fees for withdrawals.

    What Do Their Previous Traders Say?

    There are many complaints about SolidusMarkets online. Traders have reported that the company is a scam and that they have been unable to withdraw their funds. Some traders have also reported that they have been contacted by SolidusMarkets representatives who have tried to pressure them into depositing more money.

    Summing Up- Why Should Not You Trust SolidusMarkets?

    There are many reasons why you should not trust SolidusMarkets. Here are a few of the most important ones:

    • SolidusMarkets is not licensed or regulated by any financial authority.
    • SolidusMarkets has been accused of being a scam by many traders.
    • SolidusMarkets uses high-pressure sales tactics to convince people to deposit money.
    • SolidusMarkets has a poor reputation.

    If Bad Things Happen, Where Can You Get The Quick Solution?

    If you have been scammed by SolidusMarkets, you are not alone. There are many people who have lost money to this company. There are a few things you can do to try to get your money back:

    • File a complaint with the Financial Authority 
    • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
    • Contact a lawyer who specializes in financial fraud.

    Broker Complaint Alert can help you with this situation. We can instantly evaluate your case and will provide you with a free consultation. We will provide you with some recovery services and some guidelines for future security.

    File A Complaint Against Scam Broker's

      Final Thoughts

      SolidusMarkets is a scam broker that should be avoided. The company is not licensed or regulated, and it has been accused of being a scam by many traders. If you are considering trading with SolidusMarkets, I urge you to reconsider. You are likely to lose your money if you deposit with this company.

      Picture of Kenneth Williamson

      Kenneth Williamson

      Kenneth Williamson serves as the primary news writer at BCA, bringing his expertise in online marketing to produce high-quality industry coverage. His unwavering commitment to helping individuals and businesses succeed in the digital realm is evident in his writing. Additionally, Kenneth provides top-notch technical SEO and copywriting services to businesses of all sizes.

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